We will be running a Valentine's Day Event this year that will start on February 3rd and end on February 17th.
In this event you will be collecting 2 items:
Chocolates & Bouquets (Any Disk Volume 1's collected from last year's event will become Bouquets)
These items drop anywhere on Ragol, however they only drop from monsters. They do not drop from boxes. Note that no matter who picks up the item, the entire party gets credit for the item.
Additionally, while the Valentine's Event is active, you can also type the command /valentine to see your totals.
Below are the drop rates for the items.
Drop Rates for Chocolate:
Very Hard
Drop Rates for Bouquet
Very Hard
Below are the prize lists for both GC/XBOX & BB.
GC/XBOX Prize List:
Give 5 chocolates, Receive 1 Bouquet
Give 1 Bouquet , Receive 3 Chocolates
Give 8 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Amore Rose
Give 8 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Flower Cane
Give 8 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Akiko's Frying Pan
Give 8 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Marina's Bag
Give 8 Chocolates, Receieve 0 Hit Flower Bouquet
Give 2 Bouquet, Receive Cure/Confuse
Give 2 Chocolates, Recieve Amplifier of Resta
Give 2 Chocolates, Recieve Amplifier of Anti
Give 5 Bouquets, Receive Resist White Ring: This ring has never been used before. This specific White Ring gives +10 to all resists if another player is nearby you and also wearing this specific White Ring (not the one from Labyrinth Trial). 4 players wearing this ring and being nearby each other will grant +30 to all resists for a total of +35. (The ring gives a +5 boost to all resists by itself)
Give 5 Chocolates, Receive 2 Schtserv Tokens
Give 18 Chocolates, Receive 1 Piece of Heart: This has been available as a prize in the R.A.I.D. quest since August 2022. It is for a feature In Photon Lab that allows the player to make a Safety Heart and a Love Heart with variable stats. You can use either 2 pieces to make a one with a DFP range of 10-50, or you can use 4 pieces to make one with a DFP range of 30-50. Additional items required, more details to be revealed at a later time.
BB Prize List:
Give 5 chocolates, Receive 1 Bouquet Volume 1
Give 1 Bouquet Volume 1, Receive 3 Chocolates
Give 15 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Amore Rose
Give 15 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Flower Cane
Give 15 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Akiko's Frying Pan
Give 15 Chocolates, Receive 30 Hit Marina's Bag
Give 15 Chocolates, Receieve 0 Hit Flower Bouquet
Give 2 Bouquet Volume 1, Receive Smartlink
Give 3 Chocolates, Recieve Amplifier of Resta
Give 3 Chocolates, Recieve Amplifier of Anti
Give 4 Bouquet Volume 1, Receive 500 Team Points
Give 5 Chocolates, Receive 1 Photon Crystal
Give 8 Bouquet Volume 1, Receive Centurion/Ability
The Exchange Quest:
Will be available starting March 1st once the event ends, and will be available all the way until May 31st, so a 90 full days. Once the exchange quest is deactivated, we will be activating the next event like this in June. We'll have more details on that as we approach June 1st.
You may be wondering, what will happen to any Chocolates & Bouquets we didn't use?
If you don't end up using all of your Chocolates & Bouquets, they will be rolled over to the Valentine's Event for next year. We expect the prize list to remain mostly the same, other than maybe some prices, as we want to run these events for 1 full month vs the 2 weeks that this event was.
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